March 20, 2010

Sri Lanka Parliamentary General Elections: Opinion Poll second round result

The second round Opinion Poll (Monday to Thursday), launched on which party is popular and to what extent as Sri Lanka goes to polls on April 8, completes today.
The format is: the Poll will be on for four days every week—Monday to Thursday; and result will be announced on Friday. And the scheme is to go until General Elections in Sri Lanka. On the election eve there will a grand sum total of weekly polling.
In the second round, a good response has been seen; more than 1000 registered.. However the poll percentage is the same.
Here’s the results of the second round:
There were 1069 who came forward to express opinion in the second round.
United Peoples Freedom Alliance (UPFA) polled 87% (927 votes);
United National Front (UNF) polled 6% (64 votes)
Democratic National Alliance (DNA) polled 5% (55 votes)
Tamil National Alliance (TNA) polled 2% (20 votes);
Others polled 0% (3 votes)
It can be seen the UPFA was still leading and far ahead even of main opposition party.
However, the third round starts from Monday (March 22). Wait for the third round.
- Editorial Board - Asian Tribune
Fri, 2010-03-19 05:24 — editor"

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